
1 dienos dirbtuvės – Sugrįžimas į Save

Kviečiame Jus 1 dienos kelionei į save. Nuostabioje gamtos apsuptyje, jūsų laukia stiprios ir tuo pačiu linksmos praktikos, kurių metu mokinsimės nuraminti protą, sugrįžti į savo kūną, sielą ir širdį. Leisime sau jausti tai, ką galbūt ilgai teko slopinti: savo jausmus, emocijas ir susijungti su savo pasąmone bei vidine išmintimi. Jūsų laukia kvepavimo praktikos, Konsteliacijos […]


Lithuania – AUM Active meditation

✨ Experience extraordinary, deep, and profound journey with Active AUM Meditation. ✨ AUM Meditation is a wonderful process of opening up. AUM represents Awareness, Understanding & Meditation - a journey of Emotions, Consciousness, Insights, and Stillness. This active meditation is inspired by Osho teachings and practices. ✨ 15 stages that encompass all different emotions: Personal […]

One day Forest Retreat – Lithuania

✨Tik šį Sekmadienį, Rugsėjo 17 diena, Panemunės miške✨ Kviečiame Jus nepaprastai ir giliai kelionei į save. Nuostabioje gamtos apsuptyje, jūsų laukia stiprios ir tuo pačiu linksmos praktikos, kurių metu mokinsimės nuraminti protą, sugrįžti į savo kūną, sielą ir širdį. Leisime sau jausti tai, ką galbūt ilgai teko slopinti: savo jausmus, emocijas ir susijungti su savo […]


Shamanic Breathwork – Transcend the Ordinary

Shivari Shivari - healing & art center, Koh Phangan, Surat Thani, Thailand

🌟 Embark on a Spiritual Adventure at Shivari Healing and Art Center! 🍃 ✨ Ready for a transformative journey? Our Shamanic Breathwork class is more than just a session; it's a deep dive into the realms of self-awareness and spiritual awakening. This ancient practice of controlled breathing unlocks a heightened state of consciousness, bringing forth […]


3-Day Breathwork, Meditation, and Movement Retreat at The Yoga House, Koh Phangan

The Yoga House, Koh Phangan The Yoga House, Koh Phangan, Surathani, Thailand

Discover Peace, Clarity, Joy and Transformation: Embrace a New Beginning Immerse yourself in the natural serenity of Koh Phangan at The Yoga House, an idyllic retreat space that provides the perfect backdrop for self-exploration and growth. Join us for a heartfelt 3-day Breathwork, Meditation and Movement retreat, where you'll engage in nurturing practices that speak […]


Shamanic Breathwork

Shamanic Breathwork Session at Rasaruna - A Journey to Your Core  Join us every Wednesday at 3pm for a deep dive into self-awareness and healing. Are you ready to explore the hidden corners of your mind and soul? Our Shamanic Breathwork session is an opportunity to do just that. It's not just about breathing; it's […]


Awakening Breathwork

 The Power of Conscious Connected Breath - Unveil Your Deepest Emotions and Your Truest Self through Breathwork: Step into a world of profound inner transformation with our Awakening Breathwork practice, where each breath is a gateway to your deepest emotions and truest self. Our approach centers on the powerful technique of conscious connected breath, a […]
